American ambassador Joseph C. Grew (left) meets with Japanese Foreign Minister Teijiro Toyoda (right) in October 1941, two months before the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Untold Stories of American History

The American Ambassador Who Tried to Prevent Pearl Harbor

A new book explores the diplomatic efforts of Joseph C. Grew, who was assigned to Tokyo between 1932 and 1942

Unlike the chest-beating primates of popular imagination, Brazil’s northern muriquis are easygoing and highly cooperative.

Humans Would Be Better Off If They Monkeyed Around Like the Muriquis

Biologist Karen Strier has been studying these peace-loving Brazilian primates and their egalitarian lifestyle for decades


Who's Laughing Now?

Long maligned as nasty scavengers, hyenas turn out to be protective parents and accomplished hunters

Mountain lion climbing down rock, Yellowstone National Park

Cougars on the Move

Mountain lions are thought to be multiplying in the West and heading east. Can we learn to live with these beautiful, elusive creatures?

Some mostly solitary species (such as these whitetip reef sharks near Costa Rica) gather to feed or mate.


Recent attacks on people off the Florida coast are a reminder of the animal's fierce nature. Yet scientists say the predator is itself in grave danger

Outdoor proceedings on July 20, 1925, showing William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darrow.

Evolution on Trial

Eighty years after a Dayton, Tennessee, jury found John Scopes guilty of teaching evolution, the citizens of "Monkeytown" still say Darwin's for the birds


High on Grass

The news from New York's Central Park has been grim lately, but Maria Hernandez is holding up her end


Horning In?

Bighorn sheep have made a big comeback in recent years, but some developers out West think they're intruders


The "Sea Canary" Sings the Blues

The beluga whales of Canada's St. Lawrence River have endured a lot over the years, but they're still around, and still controversial


Something Just Bit You?

Was it a scorpion? A spider? A snake? The toxin experts at APDIC can tell you what to do


Salt of the Earth

We can't live without it. Salt runs through our language, our history, and our veins


Signs of the Times

Autographs of luminaries —from Lincoln to Liberace —feed the yen for nostalgia and a brush with fame


The Quiet Man of American Modernism

From the outside, Arthur Dove's life appeared out of kilter, but his inner vision shone through

At the 'Mayo Clinic for Animals,' the Extraordinary Is Routine

New York's renowned veterinary hospital takes on almost anything, from a constricted boa to a mite-infested mouse to an anemic iguana


If It Moves, Grab It, but Try Not to Get the End That Bites

That's the advice researchers in Venezuela give volunteers who help them find and collect specimens of the world's biggest boa


The Magical Motion of Michael Moschen


What's Good For the Goose May Not be Good For You

Honk if you've had it up to here with geese on the golf course, in your yard, all over parks and beaches. You are not the only one

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